If you or someone you know are feeling suicidal, please call 1-800-273-TALK(8255) now.
It is a 24-hour crisis-line devoted specifically to suicide and it connects you to someone in your local area.
We do not provide crisis counseling.

Hot and Humid Summer how is it affecting us?

This week’s blog I hope will also reflect on the hot and humid summer we are having.
While Michigan is still waiting for recovery, we are hearing from those in the law enforcement community that they are busier than ever this summer. With the cut back in budgets our safety net is stretched pretty thin and our mental health clinics are also seeing more individuals and families than normal. Summer used to be a time when families tried to get away and spend a little time together; I think this has become more difficult this year. Those that still have jobs are not taking the time off (maybe partly in fear that their job might not be there when they return), while others need every dime they can earn. This is true especially when two were working and now because of the economy only one income is coming in. Even among our own, in the helping community we are seeing the toll this is taking. Please continue to be observant of our co-workers that might be going through a difficult period.
I posted the notice of Dr. Sean Joe’s wife who had just passed this week; I wanted to extend our condolences to Dr. Joe and his family.
Please remember to:
Stay safe, stay connected
Larry Lewis, President MASP

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