If you or someone you know are feeling suicidal, please call 1-800-273-TALK(8255) now.
It is a 24-hour crisis-line devoted specifically to suicide and it connects you to someone in your local area.
We do not provide crisis counseling.

Weekly Spark - 3/24/2010

This week’s Spark – March 24th, 2010 offers more good articles on research, memorials and developing PSA’s for suicide prevention.

The previous research from the military suggests that veterans that have traumatic brain injury (TBI) who are experiencing mental health problems including substance abuse were 21 times more likely to attempt suicide. They then listed both risk factors and protective factors that the veterans identified. This study suggested that they desired long-term support both with treatment, employment and help in support for the families of the military. Strengthening religious and spiritual dimensions could also help veterans in self-esteem and redefining self-worth.

On CNN this week psychologists warned that memorials can trigger additional suicides. This might have been part of the discussion going on about Cornell University in New York, where a rash of six suicides have occurred over a short time frame. We have seen problems like this here in Michigan. SPRC suggests everyone refer to the publication “After a suicide: Recommendations for Religious Services and Other Public Memorial Observances.” I believe it is always better to step back, take a deep breath and try to follow the conventional wisdom. We can honor the individual, not the act.

Minnesota with the help of its Public Health department and SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education) held a two year contest to allow students to develop their own PSA’s targeted for schools. Please go to the Weekly Spark for additional articles and more in depth information.

As spring has arrived to Michigan we need to look forward to activities we can achieve through our efforts. I sent a packet to the Michigan Association of Funeral Directors here included is the SAMHSA booklet providing a guild for Funeral Directors. I encourage others to do the same with their local Funeral directors. Vanessa and I went to Wayne States School of Nursing this Saturday, where she presented on how to work with suicidal patients. This small event was well received. I believe as an organization we have to reach out to other institutions and let them know about what we can offer to them.

On a final take, I spoke with someone, “who has my back,” and he assured me that he was also ready to step-in and start “blogging” this would be great, to all of the others out there, you know who you (advisory board included) feel free to also step-up. This will make for a much wider diversity of options’, positions and topics. Remember

Stay safe, stay connected, Larry Lewis

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