If you or someone you know are feeling suicidal, please call 1-800-273-TALK(8255) now.
It is a 24-hour crisis-line devoted specifically to suicide and it connects you to someone in your local area.
We do not provide crisis counseling.

A different outcome

April 1, 2010 This week’s blog is a different perspective, All too often suicide tragedies are familiar. This past week was different, while reading Wednesday’s News Herald (local paper) there was a story that turned out with a favorable outcome. I will briefly summarize this story: “Police had a 911 call, from a young woman, about her breakup with a young man, who had a gun and had threaten to end his life and possibly others.” The police started looking for this young man and when they tried to approach him a chase ensued. Several officers cornered him and were yelling for him to put the gun down, instead he put it to his head and dared them to shoot him. When a senior Lt. arrived he quickly assessed the situation and took control. He ordered everyone to calm down, while he focused on the young man. He calmly asked him to put the gun down and ask him what had happened. This exchange went on for a few minutes when it almost turned wrong when another office with an assault rifle showed up. The Lt. regained control and after several more minutes had passed (15in all). He was able to get the young man to put the gun down.
This week of Passover and Easter weekend will be a time to give thanks by the families of those involved and for this Lt. who put his life on the line to save this young man. This young man now has the opportunity for treatment and to live a full and rewarding life.
Stay safe, stay connected
Larry Lewis

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