If you or someone you know are feeling suicidal, please call 1-800-273-TALK(8255) now.
It is a 24-hour crisis-line devoted specifically to suicide and it connects you to someone in your local area.
We do not provide crisis counseling.

Weekly Spark - 1/20/2010

This Weekly Spark carried more news about increased suicides among our military personal in all branches especially among young men ages 18 – 29. Also the rate among female solders has also risen. These trends are reflected in our general population.

Another article on a support group for young people in Maryland does not mention the type of group leadership. I hope there is at least one professional to give guidance and able to spot at-risk individuals. We at MASP feel strongly that SOS supports groups are extremely helpful to individuals that are survivors of loss to suicide; however they must have some professional training.

The question “Can railway suicides be cut?”: The UK is trying to find out. There was a similar effort here in the U.S. A study was done by AAS, interviewing family and friends of individuals that had died by railroad suicide.

A couple of grant opportunities are mentioned. I encourage any of you that are looking for resources to collaborate with others and apply. Michigan needs all the help we can get. SPRC is the place to go to for help. Katie Wootten is our rep. for Michigan, she can be reached at 202 572-3722 or email her at kwootten@edc.org. She would be glad to help.

Remember stay safe stay connected

Larry Lewis