If you or someone you know are feeling suicidal, please call 1-800-273-TALK(8255) now.
It is a 24-hour crisis-line devoted specifically to suicide and it connects you to someone in your local area.
We do not provide crisis counseling.


As we prepare to merge our two state-wide organizations for suicide prevention, which we believe will strengthen our efforts in implementing our state plan; we look forward to our silver anniversary of the Michigan Association for Suicide Prevention.

This is remarkable in and of itself. Given Michigan’s economic climate for the past decade for an organization to remain relevant, it must be fulfilling a need to the people of Michigan. MASP has always supported and responded to our survivor community and at the same time reached out to the greater community- at-large, through education and raising awareness about suicide and its prevention. We support the goals and encourage “best practice” programs.

It is now time for MASP to assume its role as state coordinator to assist in the full implementation of our state plan.

Stay safe, stay connected,

Larry Lewis