If you or someone you know are feeling suicidal, please call 1-800-273-TALK(8255) now.
It is a 24-hour crisis-line devoted specifically to suicide and it connects you to someone in your local area.
We do not provide crisis counseling.

Weekly Spark - 2/18/2010

This week’s Spark has some good articles. One research summary show troops are more likely to report mental health disorders anonymously than in regular military health assessments. I would say that would be a safe bet for the general population also. Who would (say in a job or performance interview) that you are experiencing several mental health issues? I think this catch 22 has always been the elephant in the room so to speak. We have seen where universities have encouraged students that might be having thoughts of suicide to seek professional help, than when they go to sign up for classes require a letter from their psychiatrists that they no longer have any mental health issues.

Also a new version of the DSM for identifying mental health diagnostic disorders is up for review. The VA is upgrading care for female vets. What with more women in combat and direct support positions this is much needed. Lifeline is announcing a new program called “Life is precious,” for young Latinas, with increasing rates of suicide especially for teenage girls this program is very timely. Please visit SPRC’s web site for more information on these programs.

This one is for researchers and post doctoral applicants that might be interested in research on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. $250,000 for up to three year this would help to erase some of the debt incurred in getting that degree. Deadline is March 15th, 2010 so pass this on quickly.

Remember stay safe, stay connected

Larry Lewis